
DW told me yesterday that I never post anything here about “us”, only about the sex. Is that true? I know I don’t go into the same amount of detail and analysis of the day that she does, but I thought that I had been posting things besides the sex as well. No? I was beginning to feel guilty somehow, like I wasn’t doing enough reflection on things or was being too superficial and just focusing on the sex act.

Well, so I just went back and looked at the posts we have written up until now. There is a difference between what I write and what she writes. I am about 80% sex talk and 20% everything else. She seems to be about 60/40. Everything else is made up of miscellaneous things about the day, other things that are going on, comments about the kids, and also “us” analysis and commentary. But while the word count of non-sex talk is different between us it seems like the number of posts containing “us” talk is fairly similar.

So, this lead me to wonder if the length and sexual explicitness of my posts are detracting from the sincerity of the other things I post. Are they a distraction from what this blog is ultimately about: Our relationship with each other and our personal feelings and experience as we undertake this journey of sexual exploration.

Sex this evening was good and fun. We got into bed and I started on the foreplay just as the baby began to wake up. That seems to be one of the most common interruptions we have to deal with. Can’t wait until he starts sleeping through the night. But we got him fed and back into bed soon enough. We start out face-to-face on our sides, which seems to be our regular starting position this week. It feels good for both of us and she likes this position a lot. But it is hard for me to cum so we switch to me on top and DW laying on her side with a leg up. That does the trick…

One Response to “Twenty-Six”

  • She Said says:

    This is all we get?!! You did a 180! Either it was totally boring sex day, or you are waiting too long to write about that day. 🙂 I did love what you had to say. Love ya!