Posts Tagged ‘touching’

Day 27

You know it’s bad when you’re husband says he misses the day’s when we had spontaneous sex. Meaning awesome, fun, glorious sex! And that this everyday thing is getting to him, too. Maybe it was a bad idea. It is hard to have sex everyday. We have a newborn, and 3 young children, we live at my parents, and we are trying to get our work life in order. No worries. No stress. No pressure.

I was super tired last night and finally went to bed by midnight telling my husband to wake me up when he comes to bed. He tried to wake me up for 15 minutes, he said, by tickling my back and body. I finally came to at 1:05 am with a “what are you doing?”. I was not irritated like I usually am when woken up, but a tiny bit bugged, but barely. I knew what we were committed to, so I was fine.

We talked for a while and snuggled. We started kissing and playing with each other. I have to admit I wasn’t totally all there, or into it, and maybe that contributed to the outcome. DH was getting hard but was not getting hard enough for a good while. I was not in the mood to go down on him or make any drastic moves to get some horny on. It’s not that I hated it or wasn’t into it, I just wasn’t giving my A game. DH started to get frustrated and basically stopped because he knew that it wasn’t going to happen for him tonight, or at the moment.

We stopped officially. We snuggled, DH started tickling my back and we talked about it. We were sad, but understood that it is not going to be roses everyday or easy to “bring it on” every night. We decided that we need to make a conscious effort to have sex during the day when our two kids are at school and our baby is asleep. This midnight – 2 am in the morning thing has got to go!