Posts Tagged ‘mood’

Day 41

All I know is that it was bedtime again. Yesterday was a blur. Our baby boy decided to be up in the night from 2-6 am, sleep from 6-7:30 am and up again. We were so tired, as always, and tried to catch up on sleep when Baby took a morning nap. But we have other kids.

We did have a luscious meal made by moi, Chicken Tikka Masala, and our first fire in our fireplace for the season. We put the kids to bed and me making an attempt at writing my first blog since Day 31 was a sign that things could be getting back to normal. Hopefully I am back and that we are back to having sex everyday. I did really miss it.

We got into bed and did the routine of snuggling, DH tickling my back, and me thinking that I want to have sex but it’s hard to initiate when I am not “totally” in the mood. But I just made the move of turning around to face the DH. Believe me, this is a hard move to make and does not always happen. The past week of only having sex twice during my period and grumpiness, I didn’t even consider turning around. So having the thought of turning around is a good sign.

We did a lot of kissing and touching and caressing. DH got really hard, and he played with me and was tickling my vagina and playing with it and went inside with my fingers. It was feeling really good. DH went inside of me, but then I decided to have him get the vibrator and some KY liquid. We put that on, with the light of our phone, haha, and DH went inside of me. I decided to try the LELO while DH was inside of me which is always a crap shoot if I will attain an orgasm. It’s pretty rare if I get one. I don’t know why, but it feels like the penis distracts me from the feelings of an orgasm. Well, not this time! I was really into it and loving it. It was harder to contract since there is a penis inside of me. I don’t know if it prolonged the orgasm or helped it, but I did have a really great first orgasm of the night. It was not too long in coming and when I started to cum it was a really intense and long pre-orgasm until it climaxed and was a very nice calming after climax orgasm. Aaaah! What a great release. Much needed.

I went for a second orgasm. I got a second orgasm, but there was only the climax and contractions, but no feelings of deliciousness, just the physical act of it. I didn’t go for a third.

DH was getting into his body and was loving what was happening. His orgasm was pretty incredible and lasted a while. I don’t know if it was because I was squeezing him a lot since I was orgasaming and that was giving him extra intensity, or that it was just a good night. He came with a bang and I could tell it was a good one. He said that it was awesome, and that it could’ve been a continuation from the night before since he got interrupted with the DROID blasting out from my phone.

It was a great night. I even got a long back tickle afterwards. 🙂