Posts Tagged ‘wet’

Twenty Nine minute orgasm

According to the sex researchers Masters and Johnson, the average male orgasm lasts anywhere from 5-20 seconds. I believe that I have raised that figure a bit this afternoon.

And YES, I did say “afternoon!”

After last night’s rather dismal showing, we decided that we have had enough of the late night sex routine that we have fallen into. It has been making it harder to get aroused, definitely less spontaneous, and sometimes it has been difficult to actually look forward to having sex. A rut is never something you want to get stuck in and it can make even the most desirable of activities seem tedious.

So, today, after DW got back from taking #2 to his afternoon preschool, I met her in the driveway with a kiss and a smile, and a question… “Hey, wanna fuck?” Her response was positive to say the least and we headed back inside the house. As luck would have it, #3 decided to wake up from his nap. Fart! Fortunately though after a quick feeding, he was fast asleep again. DW and I headed for the bed, ripping off our clothes.

We got out the Lelo and DW took it down there while I caressed and kissed her body. Lelo was doing its job rather well and although it seemed like she still had to concentrate a bit, she was visibly turned on. Suddenly, without any warning, she let out a loud moaning gasp and her body jerked upward as her orgasm hit. It was powerful. I wasn’t quite expecting it and I almost jumped up from being startled!

After recovering, she put Lelo on her clitoris again for round two and invited me to put my penis inside her. I was dying to do exactly that and got into position. We made love slowly as the vibe sent its rhythms shooting through our genitals. I was giving her a little room for the Lelo so she could cum again by not pushing into her all the way. The result was extreme pleasure for me as the head of my penis pushed in and out of her vulva and rubbed against the ridges of her vaginal muscles. She is so tight and wet that I can’t begin to describe it. As we made love, I began to feel the beginnings of my orgasm build. and build and build and build. The first part of my orgasm, that usually lasts for several seconds went on for several minutes. I could hear myself moaning as if I was listening from outside my body. I don’t think I have ever made some of the noises before that I heard. Then I climaxed and ejaculated so many times that I lost count as the wave of my orgasm crested and rolled on for another eternity.

All in all, today’s sex rocked! We were both really looking forward to it and excited about it. It really put the zing back into this challenge. 🙂


I am pretty sure that I have never put this much thought into the sexual side of any relationship, ever. And we have never talked this much about this side of our relationship ever before either. It is a lot of fun to sit together talking and writing about it.  I feel like I am learning a lot more about DW’s likes and dislikes. Even after being together for more than 12 years. Much of it I already knew on one level or another but this is really bringing it to a more conscious place.  This is really neat. And believe it or not, I am thinking about sex more often during the day as well.

This day is a great example. I am horny for her every second of the entire day. I can’t keep my hands off of her. Every chance I get, I steal a kiss or cop a feel. 🙂 The day comes to an end, and as has become our routine, we are chilling in the living room working on our blog posts. I have begun writing Day 17’s post and am getting even more horny as I describe the sex. It isn’t long before I have a raging boner.

I am sitting on the floor with my computer on my lap and my penis trying to bore a hole through it. I push my computer forward a little and pull the waistband of my sweats down enough to free willie. It stands up vertically above my keyboard like the Washington Monument. DW sees it out of the corner of her eye and does a double-take. She whips out her cell phone and takes a few pictures.

I have set the mood and we both close our computers mid-post and head for the bedroom. It is a really fun and playful session. She is really wet, we both are really enjoying it and having fun. At one time, we start kissing and I accidentally slip her the tongue a little too early. “Ooops!” I am getting better at catching this but usually too late. “Sorry.” She proceeds to laugh and slide her tongue all over my face to get me back for this heinous faux pas and I am obliged to retaliate with more tonguing as well. This comedy repeats a couple more times throughout the night as we make love.

Good fun sex.

Eighteen (days behind on my posts)

OK, I am in trouble. And I am slothful. While DW has been faithfully taking notes and doing her blog posts, I have been falling behind. It is really day 22 right now and here I am trying to get caught up way back on 18. I can’t believe how easy and how fast I fell behind.

I don’t think that we have mentioned this yet, but when we started out on this journey, we agreed that neither of us would read the other person’s drafts or final posts until both of us have finished our posts for the day in question. This lets us tell the story from our own viewpoints without being influenced by what the other person is thinking or feeling about it. Overall it has been really fun to see how & where our perspective and experiences have been similar or different.

This also means two things as relates to falling behind:

  1. I am dying to see what DW has written about the past few days.
  2. Being a man, my memory of the past 5 days is a little hazy. So it might be hard for me to remember exactly what we did on each day and I am not allowed to read her posts to refresh my memory.
  3. This makes me sad. I can’t fall behind again. (Okay, that is three things.)

But I am allowed to ask her to refresh my memory a little. So, I did. DW gave me a few little details… let me see if I can fill in the blanks.

She is dead tired today. Most likely #3 had kept us up last night and sleep was a little lacking. Several times DW says that she doesn’t want to have sex tonight. She says it so much that I begin to wonder if I am going to have force myself on her or do something drastic.

It was a very pleasant surprise then when we get in bed and she immediately snuggles up alongside me and lays her head on my shoulder. She puts her leg across my torso and her arm across my chest. Loving this! This is one of my favorite positions to snuggle and fall asleep in. I am tickling her back and running my hands through her hair with one hand and caressing her leg with the other. She is running her fingers across my chest and torso and snuggled up close. It feels so cozy, close and comfortable, and I never want it to end. (Did you know that men who reported frequent cuddling are three times as happy on average as those who do not?)

Before long, we are both quite aroused and our caressing naturally moves down to each other’s (and our own) erogenous zones.  For a long time, we are just feeling, caressing, and loving the sensations. DW begins to masturbate and it is turning me on big time. I am masturbating as well and sometimes caressing her thighs, tummy, breasts, neck, head, and around her vagina. She comes close to orgasm a few times and I could probably cum as well. I put my penis inside of her and slowly move in and out as she is playing with her clitoris. It is delicious.

Thump-thump-thump-a-thump-thump-thump-a-thump-…… The damn washing machine is out of balance and banging against the wall upstairs. Bad timing! DW continues to masturbate while I grab my robe and hurry out to move the wet towels before it wakes up everyone in the house. As I run up the stairs and into the laundry room, my bathrobe falls open. My erection is mostly down but my penis is still hugely engorged. It is hanging out and still very wet from sex. I catch myself thinking how good it looks like this. I hope I don’t sound vain to say that I like my dick.

Back downstairs DW hasn’t cum yet. 🙁 She tells me that she needed to have me there touching her, that it helps when I do that. Sometimes I touch her in just the right way that sends her to another level. I know this already but it makes me feel good to know I am needed, even though I am bummed for her that she wasn’t able to finish.

We get back into caressing kissing, and sex. We start out with me on top, but soon I am in a low kneeling position, holding her hips between my knees. It feels really good and my orgasm starts to build. For some reason, she lifts up my knees an inch and it changes the direction of my thrust a little. This change hits the magic button and my orgasm explodes in a crazy rush!


Twelfth day of XXX-mas

The days fly by! Busy with kids, work, & life…. I am actually writing this (And days 11 & 13) on Wednesday night because we have been so swamped that neither of us has written out our posts. I don’t even remember off the top of my head what happened on Monday during the day and into the evening. I am sure it was busy though because I do remember though that we had some fun sex at night…. late that night.

But the details are fuzzy. I am hoping that more come to mind as I write. I am remembering that I went to the store for groceries and made a monstrously huge batch of my famous fresh salsa for DW’s book club get-together on Tuesday. Then had to spend an inordinate amount of time doing dishes and cleaning up the mess.

I know was looking forward to getting in bed with my hot wifey and a little frustrated that we are getting to bed super late again. Worried that #3 will wake up early again, but thank God, he does not.

Things are finally finished up and we get in bed. We kiss and caress and fondle each other. I am aroused and half-erect but takes a minute longer for me to get totally hard. Not too long though. We are laying on our sides and I go inside her. She is nice and wet. She plays with my balls and between my legs, totally turns me on. Pretty soon, we are just about in “scissors” position and grinding against each other’s crotches. Her moans and sounds are getting me off in a big way. We fuck harder and faster and I cum.  It was not as strong as last night but pretty damn good!

She opts not to try for an orgasm again. I am a little bummed because I love being with her when she does. But it is now well past midnight and we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.

Day 11

Hi, My name is DW, and I am a sex-aholic. I can’t stop this insanity of sex everyday. I want to, but I just can’t. There is a need in me to do this, and I don’t know why.

I am so inexplicably tired and overly tired and super tired. But I don’t want to stop having sex. DO IT, DO IT, DO IT.

Today was a beautiful day of ebel skiebers, or however you spell these delectable Danish pancake treats, and a fall canyon drive. The get-a-way to the mountains was much needed. We can stay in our little basement apartment and hibernate more than any human should sometimes. It was a sunny morning which I took advantage of and I took a walk alone with music blasting from Pandora. We had a few sick kids and stress from the week but chose to get a way, if just for a moment. It ended up being a little over cast and rained a bit on our drive which was glorious!

After the kids went to bed we wrote our posts and I am anxious to see how this night will roll. I am confident that it will end well, as there is good feelings had by all throughout the day. Plus, we need it to be good.

The sex is good, we are having fun, I am turned on and very wet. I can tell he is avoiding my breast area and say that it is okay to touch the left breast(as I only breast feed with the right breast now, I know, it is what it is) and also that he can touch my stomach. It was just a bad moment the other night which I didn’t like DH touching at the time. He touch’s me, and I like it, a lot. The baby starts crying, crap, just keep going! And finish! But no, I can tell some stress from the male partner, and he stops. I am bummed and think, “Oh no, another bad night”. We get baby fed and back in bed and start up again. It’s slow going but we get back in the groove. We are back on track! He orgasms, it’s a great finish, smiles on both our faces, we are good again. Aaaah. I leave it at that, and go to bed without trying to have an O. It’s okay, I had fun, I love my husband.



Day 10

Oh Gosh. Another night. I don’t know which was worse, day 9 or 10?

DH and I didn’t really talk about the night before. We were feeling bad and being nice all day, but we didn’t have a minute to chat. It was late in the evening again, and I wanted to get my post out before I forgot too much. DH worked on his post after I did, while I read my bookclub book. It got late and I decided to get ready for bed and was just going into our room to lay down and read some more and wait for DH. He grabbed me right before I went into our room and asked if we wanted to do it out on the couch. I said, sure, let’s do it!

I put a blanket on the couch and we laid down naked. DH avoids the upper half of my body altogether. I’m worried that I’ll say the wrong thing, and that I won’t be able to tell him what feels good and what doesn’t. I think he is scared he is going to touch me in the wrong places. He is having a go with the lower half of my body with his hands and gets right into the vagina area. I am feeling like it was an awkward first date and we didn’t know what we were doing and going straight for the prize. I grabbed DH and pulled him down on me to feel his warm skin on my skin and loved that we were just holding each other and rubbing ourselves together. It was luscious. DH started getting hard, I was wet, really wet, and he went inside of me. It was beautiful and yummy and I was really enjoying it. We were making love for a while and then I could tell he was getting worried. He was going faster which was drying me out, and he asked me if I needed some KY. I said no. I was enjoying it, I didn’t want the KY. I just wanted to keep going the slow pace we were going for a while and I am positive it would have ended well. It seemed stressful after the point when DH asked me if I needed KY. I guess it wasn’t going to work. We ended it. We went to bed.

AAAAH! This never happens!!!!  We never “don’t finish”. That just doesn’t happen. Again?! But last night and tonight was not a comedy of errors, it was just errors. Life lessons as I like to put it. We went into our room to go to bed. I thought maybe we could start again, but it just wasn’t the time.

After the 3:30am feeding, I am falling back asleep when I hear this whisper behind me saying “Wanna, wanna?” I think, “Seriously?! NOOOOOO! I don’t wanna, wanna!” I wake up and say “What?”, “Really?”. I think to myself that he was a sport the night before when I attacked him, so I say “Sure.” The difference is that he likes to be woken up to DO IT, and I do NOT like to woken up to DO IT. I play with his penis and am trying to get into it, thinking, this is going to be a while and I am so tired. It does take a while for him to get fully erect, and it never really happens. I am sure he knows that I am not totally into it. I finally say, “I can’t do this, I am sorry”. I turn over and go to bed. Damnmnn.

We talked for a bit about this today. We both feel bummed and don’t want these past two days to happen again. It can’t be perfect everyday. It never has been. That’s what a marriage is. Trying to make it work. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. The problem with day 9 was that is was doomed from the beginning, and feelings got hurt. Day 10, we were both worried and didn’t feel like we could be ourselves.

I think some sleep deprived sex maniacs were to blame for this!

Day 9

A huge part of me thinks that we would never have sex if it wasn’t for me. That’s true. If I didn’t or don’t want to, we don’t have sex. But it is also true that if DH didn’t want to have sex we would not have sex either. He’s 1/2 the equation here. He has a say, too. For it, or against it.

I don’t know if it was a more tired day than others, the fact that I fell asleep sitting up in the couch with my mouth open at 4pm, which never happens, or that we finally got into bed at midnight. Tonight sucked. The whole thing was bad.

Same scenario as the night before, baby asleep in our room, white noise going, pitch black, completely perfect for a romantic evening, right? We are exhausted and I think, let’s just do this. I ask him if he just wants to go in me. He says, “Is that what you want to do?” yes… okay no. So I grab the LELO and have at it. Nothing. Then DH starts caressing me and starts with the breast area. Right now that is not a good place to start. I’ve told him a million times my nipples are on fire and have daggers living in them right now. I am feeling anxiety hoping that he doesn’t touch my nipples. Then he slides down to my tummy and that is super ticklish so I push his hand away. It was a complete natural response. It may have felt like I hit his hand away. Well, that wasn’t good. He stops touching me, it’s not working for me. I apologize and start to explain what was going on for me and that it was my issue and let’s get back into it. I may have pretty much killed the mood, so I stop the Lelo and turn over.

I guess we are not going to do it tonight. I was irate, pissed, mad at myself and mad at him. He doesn’t do anything to try to get things going again. He closes up and says nothing. He finally breaks the silence and says that he feels I don’t want to talk to him. Yes, I don’t want to talk but I am still in this commitment and want to have sex everyday. It’s important. Why doesn’t he try to start it up again? He knows I am in this. I started the sex. I said I was sorry and tried to maturely talk to him about what was going on with me, and not to do that again. It doesn’t mean that it is over. But nothing is said, he doesn’t respond, so I turn over. Pretty much what happens when we get in a fight. Typical. Lame. I’m hurt, and I am sure he is hurt.

The baby starts crying and wakes up, so DH gets him and I feed him. I think, well, after I feed the baby we’ll DO IT. Time will heal. Then the SNORE. It’s over, he is asleep, done for the night, not happenin’, nada. I am sad.

Next baby wake up call is at 3:30am. I feed him. I can’t sleep. I haven’t slept well all night since we didn’t have sex. Sick to my stomach. I’ve committed to something in my life right now, and I want to stick to it. Even if we are so mad at each other. Hate each other. What an experiment to keep having sex through all of that. HUH? Don’t you think? I was mad at him earlier in the day and thought, no way in hell are we having sex tonight. Maybe that’s what started this? Be careful what you say, you might just get it! I think it’s an awesome thought to have sex even though you don’t want to or are mad at each other. What happens to your relationship? Does it help? Hurt? Remove the hate and pain? Make you forget what happened? Even though I don’t want to have sex during those times of hatred, sadness and anger, I still want to have sex. We’ve never done this before. How great to try!

After I ask DH to get baby to his bed after second feeding he goes to the bathroom. Perfect. He won’t have to pee while having sex which usually distracts him. When he gets back to bed, he is instantly snoring. I tell myself 100 times to go wake him up to try to have sex. I finally get over there, about 4am. He moans with goodness that I am snuggling him. I start to caress him and play with him and get him hard. Believe me, this is not easy to do since I am still feeling mad and hurt. We turn over and he is on top of me, since usually this is the best position for him, and we go at it. I am wet,I AM WET and it’s feeling good and I am getting turned on. And from experience he loves me to wake him up in the middle of the night to have sex. He is always turned on . I know he is liking it, but he is not loving it. I can just tell that it’s probably not going to happen for him. But I think, no, eventually there will be a turning point. I ask DH if it is hurting him(like his back or knees), and he says no, but then he reveals that it’s not happenin’ for him and that he’s sorry.

Ouch. I am sad and hurt again. This never happens. I can remember one or two times that this has happened in our 13 year relationship. And it’s usually because we already did it that day, or his back is really hurting. Not because of a fight or that we were mad or hurt at each other. Hmmm….sad. It could be that it’s been 9 days straight of having sex. But I don’t believe that. His penis is mad at me.

I turn over and try to go to sleep. And I eventually do.

Day 3

Ya know, I have to say I am going to have to get used to the language that my husband is using in these posts. We can sometimes talk like this during love making, not usually all the words he’s using, but these words must be going through his head, right? It’s funny, because I am usually the vocal one, and the one that uses most of the nasty words. But for some reason I am feeling a little shocked, or uneasy about it. I am sure things will change.  Either I’ll get used to it and start using the same language, or he’ll tone down? Time will tell.

Last night we were watching a football rivalry game and getting into that and realizing how tired we were and how late it was, I didn’t want to do it. I said, I’m so tired, I don’t want to do it. And my DH said okay! WHAT? Okay? I said, Hell No! We are doing this! We cant quit now! What are you thinking?! I couldn’t believe he could quit after two days, or skip a day. Maybe he’s overwhelmed by the daunting task of having sex everyday for 1 year?! 🙂 WE are tired most of the time. But we are in this, I am in this, and we are doing it! Hell yes!!! I feel like it’s going to change us, bring us closer, bring us to the point of Magenta!

We had the kids sleep in their room so we could do it out by the TV on the made up bed that the kids slept in the night before for a “sleepover” with each other. Our baby sleeps in our bedroom. We were so tired and DH almost gave up, and that gave me more of a determination to DO IT. It ended up being so fun, for me at least. We were laughing and playing around. I decided to wait a day on the clitoral stimulation, to help it recover from last night. I was wetter and it was feeling really good. I wasn’t sure if he would be up to it, but he got into it and was having fun. I’m not even sure what made it fun. Maybe it was because we were in a different bed, a sleepover bed,not in our bedroom, the huge window that anyone if they tried could look in. The TV was on, a rare occurrence, but a great game just ended, and I was feeling loopy. Good times 🙂