Posts Tagged ‘orgasm’
Lucky 13
If every other day has been a busy day, today was a Holy Fuck Non-Stop Busy day.
DW is in a book club where once a year, each member gets a chance to host, providing dinner and a venue for conversation. Each member takes tremendous personal pride in how their event goes and it is a really big deal. I get a huge kick out of seeing DW have an incredible book club night when it is her turn. And this is that night. So, we spent the entire day together, on our feet, finalizing the preparations, cleaning the house, and cooking the feast. (And cleaning up afterwards.) As always, book club night was a fantastic success and everyone was raving over her dinner.
By the time the last guest headed home at One-Something in the morning we were exhausted. I had actually almost gone to sleep an hour or so previously with the rationale that DW would hopefully wake me up by sucking on my penis while I slept, or some other male fantasy like that. But there was a pile of laundry on the bed that needed to be folded and there were still dishes from their dinner in the sink to put in the washer. And I’m a nice guy……
We tidy up a little and get into bed. I joke that maybe we could just put it in for a “minute” and call it good. We snuggle up together though and lay facing each other on our side, kissing and fondling. It feels yummy and good and we start to have sex in this sideways position. My back begins to hurt a little so I move up to straddle her lower leg with her leg laying across my lap. It is feeling REALLY good and the combination of her leg laying over and tight wet pussy are hitting all the right spots on my dick. Kind of like this but with the leg down, not up…
After I cum she is feeling like it too and we get Lelo out of the bag. It takes forever and a little longer. I am doing all I can think of to help by caressing and fondling but nothing seems to be working. After quite a while, she turns it off with a whispered “dammit!” Lelo has failed us. It is time to go shopping for a more effective vibe. Dang.
Day 13
Of all the nights thus far with the new baby, Monday night was the worst. Baby is teething and has gotten a cold from his brother and has snot running down his nose now. Baby boy was up every 45 min. throughout the night. I didn’t think it could get any worse. I am feeling things crashing around me. I am tired, exhausted and I am feeling a constant reminder of the commitment I made to myself and my husband, but mostly myself.
I was the host for my bookclub last night. We were organizing, cleaning, and making food all day in preparation for the evening. And all the while trying to juggle two sick kids and going to sport activities with the two oldest. Oh yeah, and some work for my DH. Somehow I pushed through the day with several hours of sleep. I was too tired to go walking in the morning but not too bummed about it, and it happened to be raining. Excuses, excuses.
After a great bookclub, and the last of the ladies left by 12:30am or so, I knew what DH and I still had to do. Luckily I have the greatest husband in the world, and most people know this, but DH cleaned all the dishes and kitchen up while us ladies were chatting. So that was out of the way. But sex wasn’t. It’s sad that I have to get Sex out of the way. But it’s feeling like that these past few days. This is going to be a great test of endurance of body and mind.
We came to bed with baby asleep and white noise. We wrap our naked selves around each other and lay exhausted. I think to myself just before and during this snuggle at what a great thing to have promised to have sex everyday. Even if the sex doesn’t turn out right or we don’t finish, or we fall asleep in snuggle position, at least we made a conscious decision to think about each other in this way each day or night. To come, and not necessarily cum, together and be ONE. To turn to one another in bed and say, HI. To acknowledge the existence and give thoughts of intimacy towards one another, even if for a few minutes.
We snuggle and it is nice and comfortable and I want to fall asleep, but lying there naked we always start to touch each other or rub each other. And so we do. We are also able to KISS, which I love, it always helps with getting in the mood, which leads to rubbing or tickling etc, etc. We stay in the side position which is a favorite of mine, and I could stay like that, but we have to move on. We go to some sort of side position which is fun, and he ends up cumming with me thrusting a certain way.
I’m in the mood to have an orgasm, since I didn’t the last two nights. It’s so late and I’m so tired that I go for the vibrator. I don’t know why I think the vibrator is faster, because the LELO is NOT! So frustrating! I end up throwing the lelo down and getting up to take a shower. UGh. I reach the total climax of an orgasm ready to spill over about 15 times and then nothing, nada, no feeling, it’s gone, the feeling is gone. So I start over again, get vibe into a good position, relax, get in the mood, get into my body, get into my vagina, the process! One or two times I start to fantasize for a second or two, but that doesn’t work, get back to the feelings and how my clitoris is feeling. Okay, maybe just 10 ‘almost orgasms’, but it seemed like 100. I was done. Cuss the Lelo! I need a new vibrator! 1-800-walmart.
Twelfth day of XXX-mas
The days fly by! Busy with kids, work, & life…. I am actually writing this (And days 11 & 13) on Wednesday night because we have been so swamped that neither of us has written out our posts. I don’t even remember off the top of my head what happened on Monday during the day and into the evening. I am sure it was busy though because I do remember though that we had some fun sex at night…. late that night.
But the details are fuzzy. I am hoping that more come to mind as I write. I am remembering that I went to the store for groceries and made a monstrously huge batch of my famous fresh salsa for DW’s book club get-together on Tuesday. Then had to spend an inordinate amount of time doing dishes and cleaning up the mess.
I know was looking forward to getting in bed with my hot wifey and a little frustrated that we are getting to bed super late again. Worried that #3 will wake up early again, but thank God, he does not.
Things are finally finished up and we get in bed. We kiss and caress and fondle each other. I am aroused and half-erect but takes a minute longer for me to get totally hard. Not too long though. We are laying on our sides and I go inside her. She is nice and wet. She plays with my balls and between my legs, totally turns me on. Pretty soon, we are just about in “scissors” position and grinding against each other’s crotches. Her moans and sounds are getting me off in a big way. We fuck harder and faster and I cum. It was not as strong as last night but pretty damn good!
She opts not to try for an orgasm again. I am a little bummed because I love being with her when she does. But it is now well past midnight and we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.
Eleven Eleven
Sunday was a great day. Hung out with the boys and watched Power Rangers in the morning. Made a mid morning brunch of super yummy Æbleskivers. Tidied up the garage and made a skateboard ramp for #1. Then, we took a Sunday drive into the hills to see the leaves changing color and had dinner at an old pizza joint on the other side of the mountain.
After this busy day ended, we got the kids shuffled off to bed and put #3 in his cradle swing out in the hallway so we could have a little privacy. We both finished up our day 10 posts and chatted for a little about the past couple of days.
I think we were both horny and curious to see how things would turn out with sex tonight. I was pretty positive and felt like I was pretty much over the mis-steps of the previous two days.
My cold-sore is now 100% healed up so there is no reason not to get right into some lip-mashing goodness. We kiss and make out for a while, she tells me that it IS ok to touch her left breast and tummy and we joke about it a little. I am getting rock hard and totally turned on. So is she. She grabs my dick and plays with it, using it to rub her vagina and clit. This is totally turning me on even more. She puts me inside of her and we are fucking while kissing. I am totally into this and loving it. Did I mention I am turned on?
Then the baby wakes up and starts crying.
Try to block it out….. Nope….. Can I cum before he starts to scream? Nope…. Oh, tha pressha.
I decide that the best thing to do is get him taken care of and then we come back and work on cumming. Fast forward 30 minutes. Baby back in bed, me back in my lady. Things are feeling good again. We have some good sex and I have an explosive orgasm. It is late in the evening and she decides not use the vibe. We clean up and get back in bed. Back tickles and some good rest. Broken the losing streak. Kicked out the head demons and replacement referees. The world can begin to rotate again.
The evening started off simple enough. We are kicking back on the bed, finishing up our posts from the night before. We had the lights off because #3 was asleep in his crib across the room. Writing my post about day 7 was starting to give me a boner so I took off my clothes and played with myself as I typed. When I finished my post, I closed the laptop and we read our recent posts together on my cell phone in the darkened room.
I caressed her legs and labia and she started up Lelo. When my cock got hard, she asked if I wanted to go inside of her. I’m not going to turn down that invitation! As she massages her clit, I insert the tip of my penis into her warm vagina. I love the way it feels when I first enter her. The way she wraps around my dick so perfectly. Yum!
For a while, we do this. She has Lelo massaging her pussy and I am slowly moving in and out of her. I play with my balls and run my fingers around her labia, across her thighs and up her torso to her breasts and perfect neck. We are pretty quiet, except for moans of pleasure here and there. Just the darkness and our bodies, and the feel-good nature of slow gentle sex. Then her moans get more intense and she cums. Her legs squeeze around my ass and her pussy pulses tightly on my dick with the contractions of her orgasm.
After she cums, I slide in deeper, feeling her clitoral mound pushing against me. The smooth and silky sensations are cascading like waves where we grind together. My penis is wrapped up in a blanket of lush softness. She feels totally relaxed and the little bumps inside her vagina tease my sensitive penis like nothing else. I am loving every second of this closeness and don’t want this to stop. I am falling into her whole body when my orgasm explodes. One of those intense, slow-motion explosions. The kind that carries you away into a dream that goes on forever.
But what I am really trying to say is: “Damn, that was good!”
The Seventh
HOLY SHIVERS! Things turned out a little better than I expected today.
The day was going like absolute crap. I was in a total funk. My back was killing me, I couldn’t concentrate on work, I was massively stressed out about our finances, the kids were really getting on my nerves, and I had an incredible searing, knife-stabbing pain in my abdomen. Not a happy camper.
After I got the kids in bed I flopped down on our bed exhausted. My back was on fire and a jolt of electricity shot through me like I had stuck my face in a light socket. All I wanted to do was to curl up in the fetal position under the covers and fall asleep.
But my magical lady has a way of making me feel alright. She tells me to just lay there and relax as she’ll just have to get on top of me. The look in her eyes and smile on her face makes me forget the pain for a moment and I take off my clothes as she comes over and grabs my dick and starts to suck on it.
I love it when she does this! After a minute and when I am raging hard she stops and I think she is going to transition to sex but she starts to kiss and nibble on my side and hips. GOOD FUCK, what is happening??? We always knew I had a sensitive spot on each side of my body where the hip meets the groin. But this was something else I have NEVER experienced! She spent the next, what seemed like an hour, running up and down both sides of my body kissing, licking, and nibbling while I turned into a quivering pile of ecstatic pleasure. It felt like I was having an orgasm without cumming and I wonder if, had she gone on, I could have came. Eventually it was too much and I begged to be inside of her. If only there was some way that she could have been fucking me while licking and nibbling my sensitive body at the same time. I probably would have been such a mind blowing sensation that my heart would have exploded. Seriously, it felt that good.
She mounted my cock and began to gyrate her hips and ride me like an animal. I was so turned on it was incredible and we fucked for several minutes. A couple of times, I got close to cumming but my back was still in pain and although I tried to be gentle on myself, I couldn’t help but thrust and grind as well. After a little longer, the pain was getting to be too much and we recognized that I probably wasn’t going to be able to cum in this position.
We switched and I got on top. The change gave my back a little relief for a moment and for some reason, I cum a little easier like this. Her pussy was tight and she squeezed a little extra tighter too. I pulled and thrust such that just the first few inches of my rock-hard dick were entering her. As the tip of my penis pushed into her warm pussy again and again, the sensations left over from her earlier nibbling and caresses ROCKED my body into an orgasm that went on and on and on!
My GOD, I can’t wait to do that again. Whoever said the Seventh Day was for resting is dead wrong! 😉
Day 6
Day 6 is the day that God created People. We will be doing the act of making people everyday for a year, but the only thing that we will be making will be LOVE. Cheese!
DH was asking me as soon as I got ready for the day and our 2 kids were at school, and infant was in a nap, “Wanna? Wanna?” Come on! I told him I have created a monster. I needed to get things done. In the middle of lunch I feel this thing on my neck then a massaging feeling on my neck. He’s got my vebratore on my neck. Seriously?! Let me finish my lunch! I tell him that with sarcasm and a half smile.
I finish my sandwich and say, “last one to the bedroom is a rotten egg”. I think that’s where it started off bad. lol. Or maybe it was the bottom bunk bed we are trying to do it in, and feeling bad I’ve got to do it in my child’s bed. We start with the LELO. For a day like this, I’ve got to get the big guns out. No sissy vibrator. I need the kind from Walmart that you get a real neck massage with. I can’t be worried if I have the vibrator on the right spot and I’m about to cum and the stick slips. Crap. Start over. This went on and on. But finally, without further adieu, I cum. I’m glad it happened, glad it’s over and left with a tiny headache. I was definitely concentrating in my head more than relaxing the vagigi.
On to the DH. This was a comedy of errors. The too small bed, the timing, the fact that I’m too sensitive after an orgasm and don’t want him to touch me. That doesn’t help. We tried about every position we could in that bed, even applied more lubricant, but we were cracking up too much, and knowing it was over before it began.
Let it go, and let it be.
OK, Five days in a row! All this sex is going right to my crotch and I am getting hornier by the minute! All day long all I can think about is how I can’t handle waiting until 11 F’ing thirty at night after the kids are in bed. I want her now!
My penis is raging and tingling constantly. I feel like I am going through that 12 year-old puberty stage where the slightest provocation makes it start to swell into bonerdom.
Unfortunately though, today is not a day that our 4 year-old is in pre-school and the 3 month-old doesn’t want to nap for more than a little while, so it is not until oh-so-late in the evening that we are alone and can get something going on. DW is sending a very long text message to one of her friends so I go to the drawer and get Gigi/Lelo out of her bag. I decide to experiment a little with it and place it on the tip of my penis. Hmmm, it doesn’t feel quite as intense as last time. I cycle through the 5 different “modes” and none of them are all that different. None of them are doing it for me. I am a little confused because I had been so damn horny all day and now I am having a hard time getting a stiffy.
DW comes to the rescue though and takes Gigi for her self. She agrees that it isn’t feeling as powerful and we conclude that it must be in need of a charge. It is still strong enough to do the job for the moment and provides DW with a nice O.
By the time DW has finished, she has gotten me back in horny mode and my dick is getting hard. It is still a little bit tough though. Because of my massively huge, biggest ever cold sore I can’t really kiss her and we are finding it harder to do much foreplay and that is making a difference. I am really, really, really missing that part of our love making! Can’t wait for the damn thing to heal up.
We start to have sex, in basically missionary position, but I am having a little harder time hitting the right spot despite my horniness. Shift a little here, shift a little there, and soon I am in kind of a crazy squatting/straddling variation of a game of twister. But it is working. Suddenly, it feels like a rapid fire shotgun has gone off in my dick and I have 4 strong and quick explosions shooting through my body. They drain me and I collapse back to the bed. I think it might take a while for my knees to recover from that one.
I spent all day today (Sunday) looking for an opportunity to get my lady alone so we could get it on before the day was over. But the Universe said “Maniacal Laugh! Mua ha ha ha ha!” Just like yesterday, it was non-stop kids. But hey, at least their room is now clean for the first time in six months!
We got home late from Sunday dinner at DWs sister’s house, got the kids in bed, and collapsed on the sofa to chart out the boys’ football and baseball schedules on the calendar and write our blog posts for yesterday. I am hoping that somehow that we can get a chance to “do it.” DW whizzes through her post and disappears into the other room before I am halfway done with mine. I guess I write too much!
Suddenly, she reappears with a fleece blanket and Gigi! SCHWING! My dick almost punches a hole through my laptop. Fuck Yeah!
Have I mentioned that I LOVE watching her cum? There is very little else in the world that turns me on more than this. Within seconds my clothes are on the floor and I am sitting on the couch next to her. I caress her legs and thigh and run my fingers around her labia as she inserts Gigi into her vagina. After a moment of looking for her elusive G-spot, she decides to focus on her clitoris instead. Within another moment, she is arching and moaning with pleasure. I massage the entrance to her pussy and inset my finger inside. Feeling the bumps just inside the entrance and the wetness dripping around it. She uses Gigi for a little longer tonight but then her legs and her whole body tense and release and tense again and she cums.
My dick is rock hard now and aching to be inside her. I climb on top and she grabs my cock, rubbing it around her labia and over her clit a few times before guiding it into her pussy. She is tight. But wet and with a some of the Lelo Lube still on her from earlier, I slide in easily. Her pussy is wrapped around me and every inch of my cock is inside of her. Our position on the shorter of our couches makes it a little harder for me to get the right pressure points but she starts kissing my neck and shoulders, which sends my senses into overdrive. My God, I am turned on! She grabs my ass as I thrust and grind into her, harder now. I explode with four or five shots of ecstasy and shudder as the orgasm subsides.
We chat in the shower afterward about how if we hadn’t committed to this, we probably would not have had sex for the past three days. If you read the posts you can tell why! Life just gets in the way a lot. OR at least, people think that life just gets in the way a lot. It would be SO easy to just say “I am too tired. we can just do it tomorrow.” And then probably say the same thing again after tomorrow slaps us in the face.
Putting our experiences in writing and knowing that we have a commitment to do this every day and there is some sort of accountability involved is making us follow through and adding an extra level of excitement to the whole thing. This sex-every-day thing is pretty great!
Day 4
HAHAHA! SO FUN! I am invigorated! This is so fun! We are laughing so much right now! And so excited!!!
We were so tired and writing our posts for last night and thinking, wow, we still have to have sex. hahaha! We’ve spent the day cleaning, doing homework, dinner at my sister’s, and putting our kids to bed late with one of them crying that he had to go pee before bed. Sitting down and thinking, do we have sex now or write our posts? If we write our post’s for last night, we will never have sex. If we have sex, we’ll have to write two posts, and I’ll forget about last night’s sex. The dilemma!
I write my post, my husband follows suit. I say, I’m so tired, and he tells me later that he thinks we won’t have sex today. What?! I am not quitting! I think he is quitting, but he thinks I am quitting. I say that I can’t believe that he’d let me crumble that easily, or quit, or miss a day, because he doesn’t fight back and say NO! But he doesn’t. I tell him that I just need to express my feelings and say that I am sooo tired ad that we have to write posts and have sex. LOL!
DH is still writing his post, since his are awesome and way better than mine. I go into the room with sleeping child and grab the new vibrator. Getting a little excited. I come back to couch, strip naked, put down a blanket on the couch where DH is writing, and lay down. I get the sample water based lubricant out that they give with the GIGI or LELO, and ask DH to open it. He opens it. He runs down the hall to the bathroom, runs back to the couch, stripping off his clothes, whipping his glasses off, and gets down to watch. I have put on the lube, started the veebratore, and I try it out on the clitoris, then my opening, then my inside of my vagina. I ask where exactly is the g-spot? I think I know where it is, but I’ve never had an O with it, so I am not positive. I try out the gigi in the area, and think, let’s explore later. So I go to my C-spot, and it is great. It’s wet, and feeling really good. My DH is playing with me around my vagina, and the opening of the vagina, feeling good. I go into the O-zone and several times I think I will cum, but it doesn’t. That’s okay, I feel it again. And then…there it is, I think I am cumming. And YES! I AM! It’s a good, long and delicious feeling one. OOH, is that TMI? This is so crazy that I am writing this down, describing it, and SHARING IT!
We played around with his penis, then drew it into my vagina. It felt really good. He was on top, and it was hitting the end of whatever it’s called, not hurting though, but almost, and just for a while. I am into it, I start kissing him on his chest and neck and shoulder and he is liking it. I like when he tells me what he likes and what turns him on. I love to bite sometimes, probably too much, so I am doing that, too. I am wet, I also had lube on, so it’s feeling really good. I am loving his ass, grabbing it, squeezing it, slapping it, love it. He cums, and his butt muscles contract with the rhythm of the orgasm. That is cracking me up! That starts the laugh! I love it! So fun!
We shower, we are invigorated. We are so happy and laughing. I told DH that if we didn’t make this commitment, we would not have had sex for the past 3 days. Meaning we would have had sex the 1st day, and that one we had to really push ourselves to do, or that wouldn’t have happened. We would’ve made many excuses to not have sex. And not just me, DH, too. I am so excited because I feel it will change us, and for the better. I can’t imagine having sex everyday for one year, with 3 young kids!!! Knowing that I made a commitment, a goal, to have sex everyday for a year with my husband, has given me a challenge. I have made every excuse NOT to have sex, and so many legitimate ones. :/ (It’s sounding like my exercise routine.) If you don’t make a commitment, you won’t do it. That’s sad. Sex is fun, or at least it should be!